Are you ready to find your spark again?

T H E   S T O R Y
Meet Your Coach

I didn’t believe divorce was ever an option. Until it was my only option.

Born and raised in the midwest and the church, I was living the dream – go to a Christian college, find a Christian husband and settle down. Well, my life-long goal to become a stay at home mom came to a screeching halt when I was pretty much paralyzed from anxiety, panic attacks, and depression shortly after I had my son in 2018. 

Day by day I found new ways to cope and climb my way out of the postpartum depression, but it was only when the fog lifted that I realized that a toxic marriage may have contributed (a lot) to my breakdown. 

In the faith community, I was met with a lot of sympathy and pity, but not a lot of understanding. “Pray for your husband more.” “Lead they way by loving more and he’ll reciprocate.” “It’s just hard, this is the sacrifice we’re called to as wives.”

I tried everything. Books. Counseling. Marriage retreat. Online articles. More books. Church involvement. Prayer. Submission. More books. Things were not getting better, and I was an unrecognizable shell of who I used to be.

Motherhood and marriage are meant to refine you, but you are also equipped to be an active co-creator of the life you desire.

The moment I believed my son deserved a whole, healthy, and happy mom, was when I resolved to do something about it.

For two years I wrestled with whether it was biblically “allowed” to divorce, and then if it was the right choice for me and my son.

It’s the hardest decision I ever made, and also the best decision I ever made.
In my process I stepped away from church hurt, but found a deeper walk with God. I found that there are far more women out there like me, just waiting for permission to live the life God has called them to. (Hint: you don’t need permission)
Postpartum depression, divorce, single parenting, and navigating healthy relationships is a HARD road. But it’s worth it, for the joy and life and legacy it brings. And you don’t have to do it alone.

Learn to survive separation in just three steps


Testimonials from my students

The Programs


Spark of Hope Society


A Membership for Christian Moms On the Brink of Divorce
Includes Expert Coaching, Life Training, and a Supportive Community to Empower Your New Beginning

The Village


Spark of Hope Society Membership, Plus A Higher Level of Support With Private Messaging Access to Your Coach 



Postpartum Journal


This 12-week guided journal is a tool I needed when I was going through my postpartum depression and anxiety journey. I was always taking note of when baby ate, pooped, and slept, but wish I had kept track of myself too.

Emotional Coping Strategies Workbook


This extensive workbook includes my favorite strategies for managing the stress and emotional rollercoaster of parenting and separation. You’ll get journaling prompts, exercises, affirmations, and more to process and empower yourself.


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